Thursday, April 29, 2010

Research on Amish lifestyle

In this post, I am going to share the lifestyle of the Amish. They basically have a list of written or oral rules called the Ordnung which outlines the basic beliefs of the Amish. The Amish wear clothes that encourages humility and simplicity that symbolises their faith and devotion to what they believe. Males tend to wear clothes made from plain fabric which has dark colours and young males are required to be clean shaven before marriage. Married men are to grow a beard. Women typically wear solid coloured dresses with long sleeves and full skirt which is covered by a cape and apron. The Ordnung also dictates the length of the seam and cuttings allowed.
The Amish are averse to any technology which they feel weakens the family structure. They believe that the technology can lead the Amish away from their close-knit community. However, they are allowed to use several things which include inline skates, disposable diapers and gas barbecue grills, because they are not specifically prohibited by the Ordnung.
The Amish believe strongly in education, but only provide formal education through the eighth grade and only in their own private schools. The Amish are exempt from state compulsory attendance beyond the eighth grade based on religious principles, the result of a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Schooling concentrates on the basic reading, writing, math and geography, along with vocational training and socialization in Amish history and values. Education is also a big part of home life, with farming and homemaking skills considered an important part of an Amish child's upbringing.
The Amish beliefs are somewhat similar to the Christians, often citing quotes from the bible such as: "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord." (II Corinthians 6:17).
But the difference is that the Christians focus rather on infant baptism but the Amish uses adult baptism.Amish weddings are simple, joyous events that involove the entire Amish community. Amish weddings are traditionally held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in late fall, after the final autumn harvest. A couple's engagement is usually kept secret until just a few weeks before the wedding when their intentions are "published" in church. The wedding usually take place at the home of the bride's parents with a lengthy ceremony, followed by a huge feast for the invited guests. The bride typically makes a new dress for the wedding, which will then serve as her "good" dress for formal occasions after the wedding. Blue is the typical wedding dress color. Unlike most of today's elaborate weddings, however, Amish weddings involve no makeup, rings, flowers, caterers or photography. Newlyweds typically spend the wedding night in the bride's mother's home so they can get up early the next day to help clean up the home.
After this research, I strongly belief that the Amish has a strong community bonding. They have to gather the entire community to attend a marriage. I somewhat also feel ashamed of myself. The Amish, even though without the convenience of modern technology, seem to enjoy their life very much but us, even with the use of modern technologies, we are always so hectic. I think I would not be able to survive very long in the Amish society as I am overly reliant on modern technologies. I think that life there wold be very boring because of the fact that there is no TV or game consoles there. However I think its just a matter of getting used to your surroundings. Thats it for this blogpost, Bye!

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