Monday, March 29, 2010

Is ignorance a bliss or a suffering?

In this blogpost, I am going to give my opinion on the question "is ignorance a bliss or a suffering?". To a large extent, I think that ignorance is a bliss. When Charlie was ignorant, he thought he had friends and was not lonely. He also enjoyed his life and work, never complaining about his job. But to a certain extent, I think ignorance is suffering. Charlie felt inferior to everybody and had always wanted to grow smarter when he was ignorant.
When Charlie was ignorant, he thought that he had friends. He thought that Frank Reilly and Joe Carp were his friends. Instead Joe carp and Frank Reilly played cruel pranks on him but he was ignorant of that fact. When Joe and Frank asked him to demonstrate how he cleaned the toilets and he thought that they were laughing with him and not at him. This made him feel that he was accepted and not feel alone. When his intelligence gradually increased, he found out that his so called "friends" were actually laughing at him and that made him more lonely than ever. Hence I think that ignorance is a bliss.
When Charlie was ignorant, he had always enjoyed his life. He went to Miss Kinnian's adult night school with the enthusiasm to learn and desire to become smarter. He enjoyed his job at Mr Donnegan's company. He took pride in his work and his life was very enjoyable. When his intelligence gradually increased, his co-workers except Fanny signed a petition to get him fired and he eventually quit his job. He had the desire to know more and gain more knowledge. His life after his intelligence increased was very stressful and he could not find the joy he had in the past when he was ignorant. That is another reason why I think ignorance is bliss.
But, to a certain extent, ignorance can be a suffering. When Charlie was ignorant, he had a very strong desire to become smart and he had always felt inferior to other people. This inferiority complex made him feel sad and ashamed of himself behind his strong, cheerful facade. This is why ignorance can be a suffering.
In conclusion, I agree to a large extent that ignorance can be a bliss as Charlie, when he was ignorant, thought that he had friends and was not lonely unlike after he became smart. He also enjoyed his life and work. But to a certain extent, I think that ignorance can be a suffering as Charlie had felt inferior to his friends and co-workers.So this is the end of this blogpost. Bye!

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