Monday, May 24, 2010

My Poem

Spring-A season where flowers bloom
A perfect season to be a groom
Lying on a bed of lush green grass
Thinking of your beloved, the love that will last

Summer-The season of the warm Sun
A perfect season to have some fun
Splashing in the big clear sea
Faces that are smiling with glee

Autumn-A season of beautiful colours
A perfect season for expert drawers
Capturing the colours with swift deft strokes
Winning praises from anyone who looks

Winter-A season of the cold fluffy snow
A perfect season for a glow
In the old stone fireplace
Putting everything back in place

We do not experience the seasons here
'Cause the equator is just so near
But I'm happy where I am
'Cause its the place where my family is

My favourite poem: E-Learning

This is my favourite poem

A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?


'Of a surf-tormented shore'

It means that even shores can be tormented y the surfs and waves, just like humans.


'Yet if hope has flown away'

This compares hope to a bird without using 'like' or 'as'.

Reason for liking this poem

I think that this poem is trying to express the gap between fantasy and reality. In a fantasy world, dreams can come alive but it is often not true for reality. Different from the fantasy world, reality is a cruel, unfeeling place, whereas the fantasy world often make everything look so incredible and achievable. I like the lines :
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
I think that they are expressing the hardships we have to face in reality, where holding a handful of sand can also be so difficult. This poem shows the difference of the fantasy and real world, stirring my emotions too. That is why I like this poem.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Animal farm- Responding Chapters 1-4


What is your reaction to the animals' complaints and goals?

I personally think that the animals were right in starting the rebellion to make the animals the owners of the farm. Under Jones' rule, they suffered greatly. They had the rights to overthrow him as the owner of the farm.

Do you sympathize with the animals' complaints and goals? Why and why not?

To an extent, yes, I sympathize with the animals' complaints and goals. Jones was a tyrant. He ill-treated the animals by making them do the maximum amount of work but only giving them the minimum amount of food to keep them alive.


Describe how the Rebellion takes place. How does the animals' behavior during the Rebellion suggest both human and animal characteristics?

The animals cooperated and chased Mr Jones and his wife and his workers out of the farm. Mr Jones was also very drunk then. The animals could not bear the hunger and thus attacked Mr Jones. Then, some of the animals, for example, the pigs, became greedy for authority and became selfish. This shows no difference between them and humans.

How do the pigs gain the rights to the cow's milk? Why do the other animals allow this to occur? What does this event suggest about the power heirachy on the farm?

They used Squealer to convince the other animals that the milk was essential to the well-being of the pigs, who were the thinkers of the farm. The other animals allowed this to occur because they did not want Jones to return back to the farm. This shows that pigs held the greatest power in the farm and that the other animals were inferior to them

How does the original vision of Animalism become the slogan "Four legs bad, two legs good"? In your opinion, do the animals want rules with simple language? What kind of language do the pigs use?

Originally, the slogan was "Whatever that goes on two legs is an enemy, whatever that goes on four legs or has wings is a friend.".But since the other animals were not able to memorise the commandment, they reduced it to the maxim "Four legs good, two legs bad." The animals did not know how to read and write so they wanted rules with simple language. The pigs used human language.

What technique does Orwell use to cast doubt on the likelihood of a successful revolution?

He portrayed many characters that were sceptical of the revolution being able to be successfully completed, even though they were submissive to Napoleon.

Characterize Snowball as a leader. Do you think his reaction to the stable-boy's death is the appropriate reaction to have during a revolution?

I feel that he was looking at the big situation. Since that war will definitely have sacrifices, his reaction was appropriate in that sense.


Old Major- He gets the revolution started; inspires real hope for change

Napoleon - He expels Snowball out of the farm; wanting to gain full control of the farm

Snowball- He was doing his best for the farm, but got kicked out by Napoleon

Squealer - He helps Napoleon convince animals that Napoleon is always right

Boxer- He is very diligent but dimwitted

Mollie - She was always skiving and afraid of hard work; always has a preference for ribbons and sugar cubes.

Moses - He was always telling the animals about Sugar Candy Mountain

Benjamin - He is clever with good memory but has the thinking that nothing ever changes

Jones - He exploits the animals in Manor Farm

Animal farm-Reponding Chapters 5-7


What was your reaction to Snowball's expulsion from Animal Farm?

I thought that at that moment, it was obvious that Napoleon was trying to gain full authority over the farm. I think that the expulsion of Snowball was not supposed to happen as Snowball really thought about the welfare of the farm. Snowball should not have been so trusting and should have been vary about his co-leaders.


What happens to Snowball during the meeting about the windmill? What events in Soviet history does this scene represent?

He was chased out by Napoleon's guard dogs. It represents Stalin overthrowing Trotsky.

Identify three ways that Napoleon tries to solidify his leadership on the farm. How does the process of decision-making on the farm change under Napoleon's leadership?

Firstly, he chased Snowball out of the farm so there was no threat to his leadership position.
Secondly, Napoleon used Squealer to persuade other animals to believe in him
Lastly, his nine fierce guard dogs to threaten those who goes against him.

Why do the executions take place? What message do these events send to the animals about their role in a future society?

I personally think that it is to warn the other animals not to betray Napoleon. It conveys the message that no good end would befall the animal that betrays Napoleon.

How does Orwell compare Animal Farm under Napoleon's leadership, to its exploited state under Farmer Jones' rule? What attitude about totalitarian government do you think Orwell conveys?

Orwell shows that under Napoleon's leadership, the animal's conditions were not very different from under Jones rule. He tells us that a totalitarian government does not exactly bode well, as it brings internal problems.

Do you think it's fair that those who are more educated or more skilled - like the pigs in Animal Farm - have more influence in decision-making? Consider how decisions are made in your community, state, or in the nation.

I do not think it is fair because every one should have the rights to fight for their own well-being. For example, in Singapore, citizens are also given the right to choose.


The Words:
In future all questions relating to the working for the farm would be settled by a special committee of pigs presided over by himself.

What they really mean:

Napoleon was going to make all the decisions from then on.

The Words:
I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrade, leadership is a pleasure!

What they really mean:

Napoleon is doing a lot for the farm and the animals should not grumble.

The Words:

This work is strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.

What they really mean:

All animals must work on Sundays.

The Words:

From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade with neighbouring farms: not, of course, for any commercial purpose, but simply in order to obtain materials which were urgently necessary

What they really mean:

Napoleon is engaging in trade with humans, breaking one of the seven commandments.

The Words:

It was absolutely necessary, he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm should have a quiet place to work in

What they really mean:

The pigs are getting all the luxury.

The Words:

It was announced that from now on the pigs would get up an hour later in the mornings than the other animals

What they really mean:

The pigs will work lesser than the other animals

The Words:

Beasts of England has been abolished

What they really mean:

Napoleon has almost become a human.

This is the end for Chapters 5-7.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Animal Farm- Responding Chapters 8-10


What is your reaction to the novel’s ending? For example, do you find it uplifting,depressing, cynical? Explain.

I find it rather depressing that the pigs in the end, became human-like. It actually turned out that life was the same when under Jones. The other animals are still in the same living and working conditions, while the pigs are enjoying luxury.


What dealings does Napoleon have with Frederick and Pilkington? How does the battle over the windmill affect the animals? What events from Soviet history is Orwell highlighting?

Napoleon trades with Frederick and Pilkington. 'Animal Farm' becomes a Republic ruled by Napoleon and this highlights Stalin taking over the Republic.

What happens to Boxer and how do the other animals learn of his fate? How do they come to a final conclusion about these events?

He was sent to the horse killer. The animals realised it when they bidded goodbye to Boxer. They saw that the van carrying Boxer indicated the death of Boxer. It was Squealer that told them that the van was sending Boxer to the hospital which the animals believed.

What changes are made to the Fifth and Sixth Commandments? How is the entire list of Commandments ultimately refashioned? What point is Orwell making about the role of communication in Soviet society?

The commandment ' No animal shall kill any other animal' was changed to 'No animal shall kill any other animal without reason' and the commandment 'No animal shall drink alcohol' was changed to 'No animals shall drink alcohol to excess'.

In Chapter 10 the pigs begin to walk on two legs. In your opinion is this evolution a sign of progress? Explain.

I personally do not think that it is a sign of progress. I think George Orwell wants to give the impression that the pigs were turning human, not the progress of the farm.

Some critics believe that, at the end of the book, Orwell suggests that the pigs and human political leaders are interchangeable. Do you think most government rulers are interchangeable? How might power change those who have it? Explain.

I think that most of them are interchangeable. Some government rulers are not ruling their countries as well as the pigs.


Life for the Pigs:

Living in the farmhouse
Napoleon is waited on
Sleep in beds
Rights to drink the milk
Working shorter hours or not at all
Having more rations

Life for other animals:

Work longer hours
Receive less food
Sleep on the hay
Have to wait on Napoleon
Live in the barn
Live in fear of Napoleon's guard dogs

This is all for Chapters 8-10

Animal Farm

Hi! In this blog post I'm going to talk about the play Animal Farm.

Is the the content of the play similar to the book
I thought that the play was quite similar to the book but some of the parts were omitted or added in, giving us the feeling of surprise every now and then even though we have read the book. For example, the book's original song was Beast of England while the play's was Beast of Ireland.The end of the play was also altered to become a press conference instead of the original ending.

Which character is the most effective on stage
I personally think that the character which is most effective on stage is Squealer. Squealer speaks eloquently and is capable of twisting the truth into sentences that do good to Napoleon. He was persuasive enough to make the animals believe in Napoleon, even though what he says were lies.Hence I think that his ability to deliver speeches so confidently and convincingly makes him the most effective on stage.

A review
The play was carried out in a similar way as written in the book, but with scenes omitted or added.At the start of the play, different people dress up in different costumes began dancing around. They stripped and the plot began to make more sense. It was then the play began to make sense and what happened in the book happened in the play. However,I think that the book was able to deliver the characters more effectively than the play as there were limited numbers of actors. Many of the parts were actually humorous, very unlike the book. For example the part where they chased out Jones, they played a Chinese Kung fu song. The part where Snowball was exiled was also quite funny. In conclusion, i think that the play was somewhat similar to the book but with some scenes that were funny, which the book cannot display.

There an article!!!

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Apr 26, 2010
Creature comforts
Strong ensemble performances make you laugh and cry
By adeline chia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gullivers Travels

In this post, I am going to talk about the book Gullivers Travels and the journeys Gulliver made to different kingdoms. His first voyage is to The Land of Lilliput. The Land of Lilliput is actually an island with people. The different thing about that land is actually that the people there are actually one-twelfth the size of a regular human. He was washed ashore there after a shipwreck and eventually became a favourite in court after assurance that he meant no harm. He then helped the Lilliputians to overcome their neighbours, the Blefuscudians. He then escapes to Blefuscu, where he finds an abandoned boat and sails home.
His next voyage was to Brobdingnag, where people are exact opposites of people in Lilliput, which is twelve times the size of humans. he arrived there as his ship was steered of course during a storm. He was brought to a native farmers house and was exhibited for show in exchange for money. The queen of the land loved Gulliver and bought Gulliver, taking him back to her. She even commissioned for a small house to be built just for him. Gulliver then talked to the king about England but the king was unhappy about England's use of guns and cannons. He later returned to England when the house is dropped into the sea and was picked up by some sailors.
He then went to Laputa and a few other countries. His ship was attacked by pirates and he was marooned to a nearby desolate rocky island, near India. He was then rescued by the flying island of Laputa, a kingdom devoted to arts of music and mathematics. Aerial bombardment was the only time concieved by a method of warfare when gulliver saw how the people threw rocks at rebellious cities.
After which he went to the country of the Houyhnhnms, where horses are far superior than men. He was well liked and lived in a horses household. However he was later feared as a threat to the country and was expelled. he was picked up by a Portuguese ship which took him back to England. He became a recluse after that.
I think what the books is trying to address is race and religion. the Lilliputians could represent a weaker, a more non-influential race whilst the people of Brobdingnag could represent a larger race. People of Laputa can also be of a race. People of the Houyhnhnms can be a race not many expect to be in great power but already has great influences over the community. But in conclusion, I would like to say that racial harmony is important. Thats all for this post, bye!

Alice in Wonderland review

In this post, I will write about my feelings to the movie Alice in Wonderland. I was quite disappointed in the movie as I feel its not as good as more recent movies I have watched. The costume design, in my opinion, was quite lousy, like not much effort was put in it. It was obvious that the movie was not as good as movie like Avatar or Percy Jackson but I could sense the effort put in to make the plot good and funny. I could almost imagine the nostalgic feeling Alice had upon returning to 'Wonderland'(It was actually Underland but Alice misheard it as Wonderland) but the feeling that she had never been there also came to me. The last battle which is also the climax was quite exciting. I had never thought the battle would take place on a chessboard. I think that the film might have a more dramatic effect if their battle had taken place in the real world instead. I thought that the Cheshire Cat kind of 'stole' the show. Well, in conclusion, I think that the movie was quite alright with appropriate laughs here and there. That's all for this post, bye!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Research on Amish lifestyle

In this post, I am going to share the lifestyle of the Amish. They basically have a list of written or oral rules called the Ordnung which outlines the basic beliefs of the Amish. The Amish wear clothes that encourages humility and simplicity that symbolises their faith and devotion to what they believe. Males tend to wear clothes made from plain fabric which has dark colours and young males are required to be clean shaven before marriage. Married men are to grow a beard. Women typically wear solid coloured dresses with long sleeves and full skirt which is covered by a cape and apron. The Ordnung also dictates the length of the seam and cuttings allowed.
The Amish are averse to any technology which they feel weakens the family structure. They believe that the technology can lead the Amish away from their close-knit community. However, they are allowed to use several things which include inline skates, disposable diapers and gas barbecue grills, because they are not specifically prohibited by the Ordnung.
The Amish believe strongly in education, but only provide formal education through the eighth grade and only in their own private schools. The Amish are exempt from state compulsory attendance beyond the eighth grade based on religious principles, the result of a 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Schooling concentrates on the basic reading, writing, math and geography, along with vocational training and socialization in Amish history and values. Education is also a big part of home life, with farming and homemaking skills considered an important part of an Amish child's upbringing.
The Amish beliefs are somewhat similar to the Christians, often citing quotes from the bible such as: "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord." (II Corinthians 6:17).
But the difference is that the Christians focus rather on infant baptism but the Amish uses adult baptism.Amish weddings are simple, joyous events that involove the entire Amish community. Amish weddings are traditionally held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in late fall, after the final autumn harvest. A couple's engagement is usually kept secret until just a few weeks before the wedding when their intentions are "published" in church. The wedding usually take place at the home of the bride's parents with a lengthy ceremony, followed by a huge feast for the invited guests. The bride typically makes a new dress for the wedding, which will then serve as her "good" dress for formal occasions after the wedding. Blue is the typical wedding dress color. Unlike most of today's elaborate weddings, however, Amish weddings involve no makeup, rings, flowers, caterers or photography. Newlyweds typically spend the wedding night in the bride's mother's home so they can get up early the next day to help clean up the home.
After this research, I strongly belief that the Amish has a strong community bonding. They have to gather the entire community to attend a marriage. I somewhat also feel ashamed of myself. The Amish, even though without the convenience of modern technology, seem to enjoy their life very much but us, even with the use of modern technologies, we are always so hectic. I think I would not be able to survive very long in the Amish society as I am overly reliant on modern technologies. I think that life there wold be very boring because of the fact that there is no TV or game consoles there. However I think its just a matter of getting used to your surroundings. Thats it for this blogpost, Bye!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Is ignorance a bliss or a suffering?

In this blogpost, I am going to give my opinion on the question "is ignorance a bliss or a suffering?". To a large extent, I think that ignorance is a bliss. When Charlie was ignorant, he thought he had friends and was not lonely. He also enjoyed his life and work, never complaining about his job. But to a certain extent, I think ignorance is suffering. Charlie felt inferior to everybody and had always wanted to grow smarter when he was ignorant.
When Charlie was ignorant, he thought that he had friends. He thought that Frank Reilly and Joe Carp were his friends. Instead Joe carp and Frank Reilly played cruel pranks on him but he was ignorant of that fact. When Joe and Frank asked him to demonstrate how he cleaned the toilets and he thought that they were laughing with him and not at him. This made him feel that he was accepted and not feel alone. When his intelligence gradually increased, he found out that his so called "friends" were actually laughing at him and that made him more lonely than ever. Hence I think that ignorance is a bliss.
When Charlie was ignorant, he had always enjoyed his life. He went to Miss Kinnian's adult night school with the enthusiasm to learn and desire to become smarter. He enjoyed his job at Mr Donnegan's company. He took pride in his work and his life was very enjoyable. When his intelligence gradually increased, his co-workers except Fanny signed a petition to get him fired and he eventually quit his job. He had the desire to know more and gain more knowledge. His life after his intelligence increased was very stressful and he could not find the joy he had in the past when he was ignorant. That is another reason why I think ignorance is bliss.
But, to a certain extent, ignorance can be a suffering. When Charlie was ignorant, he had a very strong desire to become smart and he had always felt inferior to other people. This inferiority complex made him feel sad and ashamed of himself behind his strong, cheerful facade. This is why ignorance can be a suffering.
In conclusion, I agree to a large extent that ignorance can be a bliss as Charlie, when he was ignorant, thought that he had friends and was not lonely unlike after he became smart. He also enjoyed his life and work. But to a certain extent, I think that ignorance can be a suffering as Charlie had felt inferior to his friends and co-workers.So this is the end of this blogpost. Bye!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Answers for Elearning

We think Charlie would like to read up on world class cuisine as he had been neglected in terms of food when he had an IQ of 68. He had not been eating well before the operation and even cherished the box of candy the nurses gave him before the operation to wish him good luck. Whats more no matter how smart a person is, he still needs to eat. So, we think that Charlie would read up on world class cuisine. Hunger will come to all man. Charlie will read up on world class cuisine so even when he feels hungry, he would know where to find good food. Before the operation, Charlie did not know how to drink beer. By reading up on this topic, he would be better appreciative of beer or wine and improve on a flaw he had in the past.


Hi! This is my first blog post and I would be talking about the movie--Avatar. I personally have some doubts about the movie and here I will list ten of them:

1. Why did the Nazis like their environment that much?

2.Why did the army want to attack the Nazis and how did they discover such a place?

3.Isn't it funny why the creators respect a tree than a statue of some kind?

4.How did the Nazis survive in a planet without the same qualities as Earth?

5.Why is there no benefit for a soldier injured in battle in the future?

6.Could the attack of the Nazis been avoided?

7.Why do the Nazis respect the white jellyfishes?

8. If the Nazis liked nature so much, how could they use animals to help fight war?

9.Why did the army officer, Sean Wallen, want Jake to pretend to be a Nazi instead of himself as he can make sure nothing goes wrong?

10.Why can some Nazis talk while others can't

Here are my reflections:

I feel that this movie has certain flaws in it, but it is really a thriller. It is really very interesting and action-packed, which gives people a sense of jumpping out of their chairs. It is quite lifelike despite the nature(surroundings) around being totally fake. Even though it is a thriller, I believe it also gives people a sense of ease as there is a lot of nature surrounding them(in the screen).

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Percy Jackson

Hi! Today I am going to list ten differences in Percy Jackson in the book and the movie. After I watched the movie, I was quite reluctant to read the book as I thought the whole book would follow the movie's storyline. But, amazingly, I discovered that was not so. Here, let me list a few differences:

1. In the book, the scenario started with Percy going to the museum for a field trip.

In the movie, the scenario started with Poseidon walking out of the sea to meet Zeus.

2.In the book, Nancy Bobofit seemed to play quite an important character (she was Percy's classmate who liked to get Percy in trouble)

In the movie, there was no mention of Nancy Bobofit.

3.In the book, Percy was attacked by "Mrs Dodds" after they went for lunch.

In the movie, Mrs Dodds called Percy into a room where she attacked him.

4.In the book, Mr Brunner apparently threw the pen to Percy when the 'Kindly Ones' was attacking an dleft him to fend for himself (Percy later returned the pen)

In the movie, Mr Brunner gave the pen to Percy after he fended off the 'Kindly Ones'

5.In the book, when Percy was in Camp Half Blood, he was shown to a cabin by Annabeth.

In the movie,when Percy was in Camp Half Blood, Mr Brunner, a Centaur showed Percy to a house Poseidon built for him

6.In the book, Percy's first encouter with Annabeth was when she saved him after he fought the Minotaur.

In the movie, Percy's first encouter with Annabeth was when he regained conciousness and Grover took him for a tour.

7. In the book, Annabeth was in the same team as Percy in capture the flag.

In the movie, Annabeth was of the opposing team in capture the flag.

8.In the book, after capture the flag, hellhounds appeared to attack Percy.

In the movie, after capture the flag, Hades personally came to bargain with Percy to exchange the lightning bolt with his mother.

9.In the book, Percy was assigned a quest to go to the underworld to retreive the lightning bolt, thats why he went.

In the movie, Percy went to the underworld solely because he wanted to save his mother.

10. In the book, Luke gave Percy the flying shoes but Percy gave them to Grover.

In the movie, Luke gave Percy the flying shoes an dhe accepted it.

I prefer the movie version more as it gives a better mental picture and is definitely more interesting. I like the ending where Percy finally met Poseidon. Percy blamed Poseidon for ditching his mom and himself. There is a very emotional conversaton between the two of them. I think that was touching moment. Even though Poseidon was portrayed as a very powerful god, he actually felt guilty towards his own son not like other gods like Ares, god of war. Well, thats all for this post. See you next time!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

TAT--Thematic Apperception Test

Hi! In this blogpost, I will be talking about the TAT, also known as the Thematic Apperception Test. It is a test to test a persons cognitive skills and is also popularely called the picture interpretation technique. It uses a set of ambiguous pictures printed on cards and the subject must tell a story using the pictures provided. Each set consists of 31 cards and includes pictures such as a man, a woman or sometimes a blank card.But even though the set consists of 31 cards, the tester would normally give only 10-14 cards to be used for testing. The subject would be asked to tell the story as dramatic as possible and will show to have low cognitive skills if he omitted the following when he told the story: What leading up to the event in the picture; what is happening at the picture; what the characters are feeling or thinking; and what is the outcome.

TAT was created by two American physiologist called Henry A. Murray and Christiana D. Morgan in the 1930s. their pupose was to explore the concepts of human personality such as dominant drives and interests. The SCOR scale was used to evaluate and it consists of 4 components: Complexity of the subjects nature; affect tone of relationship; capacity for emotional investments and understading of social causality.

Now TAT is used not only to find out the cognitive skills of people, it is also widely used to find out about dreams, fantasy, mate selection and motivation to select a particular occupation. Sometimes, crime suspects are also evaluated using the TAT.It is also proven that this test gains more popularity than the Rohschach test involving inkblots.

In the past, seperate sets of cards are used for people of different age, gender or race, but recently, they removed the practise and used the same set of cards for different patients. There are two approaches in interpreting TAT, the nomothetic and idiographic. To put it simply, nomothetic means that the subject would prefer to use ideas using the normal society life while the idiographic means that the subject thinks out of the box. Needless to say, examiners would usually prefer the idiographic approach. examiners would usually focus their attention on three points which is the content of the stories, feeling or tone in the story and non verbal remarks such as blushing or fidgeting.

Well thats all I have to say in this blogpost. See you in my next blogpost. Bye!